Sunday, June 17, 2012

Fantasy Football "Experts" and Mock Drafts

Okay so you're an avid fantasy football player. You research the players and stats. You get the magazines and maybe even subscribe to a pay-site or two but did you ever notice what these guys say never really works out that way in your real draft? You get 10 "experts" on ESPN and  in the first 2 rounds 16 picks are RBs. Now has anyone ever had a draft like that? I know I haven't. The four QB barrier would have been broke before the end of the first round. A WR or two would go too. About half the picks in the first round would be RBs and there would be lots of crazy picks. A mid 2nd round WR going 5th. Stuff like that. The further it got along in the draft the more unpredictable it got. Some players got taken several spots too high and some absolute gems fell very far. In a real live draft like that you just don't know and your ability to improvise can be everything. That's why I take the mock drafts and experts on TV with a grain of salt. They never take into account the unpredictability of who you may be playing in a league with. You better be on your toes.

1 comment:

  1. Informative post about fantasy football mock draft. Concentrating on your weekly line-up, possible trades and free-agent pick-ups can distract you from stressful situations in your everyday-life.
